
Mr. Larimer has developed and offers the following corporate training programs:

Ethics, Integrity, Trust, Credibility and Character

Ethics, Integrity, Trust, Credibility and Character are five of the most important core leadership competencies that highly effective leaders must possess and demonstrate on a regular and consistent basis.

Unfortunately, ethics, integrity, trust, credibility and good character seem to be on the decline. Studies indicate that employees and the public are becoming more cynical and unwilling to trust their leaders and supervisors.

When asked to define the meaning of ethics, integrity, trust, credibility and character most leaders are unable to identify the behavioral components that result in highly ethical, trusting and credible organizational cultures.

In this training module, Louie Larimer explores with participants the meaning and behavioral components of ethics, integrity, trust, credibility and character.

Highlights of the module include the opportunity to take two personal assessment instruments: The Ethical Type Indicator which assesses a persons ethical preferences when confronted with an ethical dilemma and the Trust and Credibility Inventory, which helps a person assess the extent to he/she possesses and demonstrates those behaviors that result in trust and credibility.

Customer Service, Loyalty and Retention

Turning Your Clients Into Zealous Advocates


One of the most important core competencies every executive ought to possess is the ability to effectively negotiate with and against others.

Unfortunately many executives do not know what it takes to be a successful negotiator. 

Studies indicate that those persons who know and consistently apply 5 key negotiating strategies do better than those people who do not employ these 5 tactics. 

This module teaches participants a highly effective process for conducting negotiations in any environment. It includes presentation of the key negotiation principles in a highly interactive format utilizing PowerPoint slides, as well as, several simulated negotiation role plays as case studies.

Leadership Foundations

The purpose of this training seminar is to introduce participants to the fundamental principles of leadership.

In a highly interactive program combining active adult learning exercise, simulations, film study, and content presentation by Louie Larimer, participants are introduced to the basic fundamentals of leadership.

The Psychology of Personal Transformation and Change

Do you want more income, financial security or wealth than your presently have? Would you like to lose weight, enhance the way you look or feel better about yourself? Would you like to achieve a higher level of emotional or spiritual wellness? Do you desire greater happiness in your life? Are there personal or professional changes you need or want to make in your life? Do you want to improve your professional standing? Do you want a new or better job? Do you want to enhance your professional skills or knowledge?

If you answered yes to any of the foregoing questions, this seminar is for you. It is about creating personal transformation in your life. It was written to help you create a better, more desirable personal and professional life. It outlines seven simple principles that lead to personal transformation.

The core message of the seminar is very simple - personal change and transformation is possible. Specifically, the message is that you have the power to transform your own life. You can become something different. You are not stuck with who you are now or what you have created thus far in your life. You can move from your present state of being, whatever that may be, to whatever you want or desire. You can move yourself from poverty to abundance, depression to happiness, boredom to excitement, loneliness to love and friendship, ignorance to knowledge, confusion to clarity, chaos to order, anger to serenity, and poor health to wellness.

And if your life or professional career is already good, you can make it even better. You can make it great.

Deliberate conscious change is possible by understanding the process of change and by implementing the seven principles presented in this session. These seven principles are known to lead to personal change. They will help you connect to your heart and soul; to harness your intent, your desires, and your thoughts; and to focus yourself on certain key behaviors all of which will create a better future for yourself.

Leadership Principles, Practices and Skills

Research Based and Results Oriented Leadership Principles that Get Others to Enthusiastically Follow You

Collaboration, Partnering and Team Building

Research Based and Results Oriented Principles for Building and Fostering Collaboration, Partnering and High Performance Teams


Strategies for Achieving Individual and Organizational Accountability

Human Motivation and Performance

Developing, Coaching and Motivating Others to Achieve Peak Performance

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Dealing with and Managing the Emotional Component at Work

Influence, Persuasion and Communication

Getting People to Listen and Willingly Accept Your Ideas

Conflict Management and Resolution

Dealing With and Resolving Personal and Organizational Conflict

Negotiation Principles, Strategies and Skills

Five Trade Secrets That Will Make You a Formidable Negotiator

Strategic Planning and Thinking

Designing an Organizational Future and Making It Happen

Ethics, Trust and Credibility

The Keys to Organizational Integrity and Risk Management

Strategies for Creating Organizational Change

Research Based and Results Oriented Principles That Lead To Organizational Change

Building a Great and Enduring Organization

Research Based and Results Oriented Strategies That Lead to Organizational Excellence

Personal Change and Transformation

Seven Steps To Creating Change In Your Life

Life Strategies: Physical Health and Life Balance

Taking Care of Yourself In Order To Serve Others 

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